Monday, August 18, 2008

step 2

then i draw my tree by starting with leaves. firstly i used pensil tool (N) and the stroke weight is 5 pt to drew the outline of leaf. i used green colour that the gradient is C = 40 %, M = 4,71 %, Y = 86,67 %, K = 0,39%.

then i fillid the out line leaf with green colour that the gradient is C = 92,16 %, M = 36,86%, Y = 94,51%, K = 30,59%.

to created the effect that i used on my leaves i used 3 different type of effect. i start with water paper effect then chalk and charcoal and lastly i used effect sponge. i make sure that the step to create effect on my leaves is same because if i not follow the step, the effect can be different even those i used 3 same effect.

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